Hi. I am Sanyade Okoli. I call myself the “Accidental Writer”. I am sure that will be the topic of a blog post one of these days.
During the day, I run a Lagos-based financial advisory business. At weekends, I am an inner healing minister serving the Bethel Sozo Network Nigeria Ministry. All the time, I am a wife and mother of four children.
Presently, I have spent almost equal parts of my life in three different countries – Sierra Leone, where I was born and raised; the UK, where I finished my education and started my work and family life; and now Nigeria, my new home through marriage.
Most importantly, however, I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God. I prize my relationship with the Father above all else in this world and my life’s ultimate goal is, at the end, to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
About Just As I Am

Just As I Am is the manifestation of my decision to let the healing power of God flow out of every broken area of my life. After fearing life’s challenges for many decades, I now choose to see them as growth opportunities, a time to draw closer to the father, to press in deeper into His arms to hear His heart.
Over the years the enemy has “tried me” in so many different ways. During the COVID-19 lockdown period I purposed to convert difficult situations I was facing into pieces that would bring hope and healing to others.