It’s Ok to Not Be Ok

We are all living in a world where there is constant and immense pressure to “have it all together”, even when internally and/or externally our worlds are crumbling.

Because of the pressure to maintain this façade, we often don’t seek the help me need. We keep soldiering on, getting weaker and weaker by the day whilst maintaining a veneer of perfection.

It’s killing us! Honestly, it is killing so many of us. Worse still, the negative effects spill over to our loved ones. Nobody wins!

Really, it’s ok to not be ok. I am currently doing a course where I learnt last week about the different phases of a believer’s life. Whether we like it or not, in our journey with God we will go through valleys. That’s just life! In both the mountains and the valleys, God remains God and He is doing a work in and through us. 

It’s easy to believe that we are in valley situations because something is wrong with us or because we have done something wrong. All too often, that’s simply not the case. They are seasons of God drawing us closer to Himself and making us more like our Christ.

Yet society puts so much pressure on us to “perform” that we despise what is, though uncomfortable, a beautiful period in our lives. When we press into the Father during difficult phases in life, we always come out better. It’s also important to remember that they are just that – phases; they come and they go. Though it feels differently when you are going through them, they don’t last forever.

The key to having beauty for ashes, however, is to lean completely on the Lord through the trials and tribulations of life (and every other period for that matter 😊).

Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (TPT), when referring to the thorn in his flesh wrote the following:

But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and My power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me. So I’m not defeated by my weakness, but delighted! For when I feel my weakness and endure mistreatment—when I’m surrounded with troubles on every side and face persecution because of my love for Christ—I am made yet stronger. For my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power. [Emphasis mine.]

Times of difficulties are wonderful opportunities to let the power of God flow through us. Let’s not waste them!

Some years ago a friend shared something with me concerning brokenness which not only stuck with me but is a core pillar for Just As I Am. Imagine a covered clay pot, for a minute. When it is whole, nothing comes out of it. When it is cracked and broken, however, its contents flow out. The more broken it is, the more its contents pour out, soaking everything around it.

You and I are filled with the Spirit of God. Therefore, the more broken we are, the more the Spirit of God can flow out of us; His anointing, touching everyone and everything around us. 

Let’s not despise the process of being broken. Not least, because the Lord is right in there with us. His grace is always sufficient for us. He will never give us more than we can bear. He just wouldn’t! That’s simply not in His nature. Hold the Lord’s hand tight and allow Him to lead you through and out of the valley.

Also, please don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Truly, there is no shame in not being ok. We all go through difficult times in life. It’s just that, all too often, we pretend that all is well when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Though God should always be our first port of call, we must remember that He is not going to physically come down to earth to answer our prayers. He works through people – you and me.

Sometimes the simple act of sharing what we are going through with a trusted and mature friend takes a huge weight of our shoulders. And it’s ok if they do not have the answers to our problems.  If we are honest, often enough we don’t even want them to give us answers; we just want to be listened to. We just want to know that we have been heard. We want to reduce the mental and emotional (sometimes even physical) weight of carrying everything within us.

Other times, we need practical help. Someone to pray alongside us, money, direction. At times, even to share a laugh. Whatever it is, please ask for help. Don’t bear it all alone. Usually, there are more people around us that are willing to help than we realise.

Failure to seek assistance could cost us or a loved one dearly. No man is an island. We were simply not created to do life alone. Regardless of our birth and/or current circumstances, each person was born in community, for community. Seek your community, form your community, enjoy your community!


  • How are you doing today? No, truly, how are you really doing?
  • In what area of your life are you struggling?
  • Ask the Lord what He is doing in and through that situation?
  • Ask Him what you need to do to partner with Him to accomplish His objectives.
  • Is there any other help you require in this area?
  • Consider and/or ask the Lord who you should approach for help.
  • Please go on and follow whatever instructions the Lord lays on your heart.

2 thoughts on “It’s Ok to Not Be Ok”

  1. Thank you for this reminder! I totally agree that the “valleys” come with so much growth! This past year has been proof of that for me. Loved the analogy of the broken clay pot!

  2. This is so powerful! The part about the broken clay pot particularly touched my heart! Thank you so much for sharing these truths, ma’am. Thank you for being a blessing!

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